Tidak perlu diperkenalkan lagi kehebatan gambir sarawak kepada lelaki untuk melambatkan ejakulasi pramatang.ia adalah bahan asli yang amat mujarab dan amat berkesan telah diketahui umum,tetapi kesukaran untuk mendapatkannya membuatkan ramai yang kecewa.kini tiada lagi masalah kerana kami mempunai banyak stok untuk anda.

cara guna
ambil sedikit gambir sarawak,titis dengan 2 titik air,sapu di kepala zakar dan urat bawah zakar,tunggu 30 minit kemudian bilas dengan air.anda pasti belayar hingga ke puncak


Apa Itu Tricajus?

Suatu formulasi minuman tambahan yang yang menggabungkan bahan-bahan seperti:

  • Lepidum Peruvianum Chacon (MACA) 
  • Tribulus Terresteris
  • Teh Polyphenols
  • Serbuk Jus Limau
  • Asid Sitrik
  • Serbuk 'Plum'

Ia didatangkan dengan perasa 'iced lemon tea' @ teh o ais limau yang lazat dan memudahkan pengambilan harian.

Cara Pengambilan / Penggunaan

Campurkan satu (1) peket/uncang serbuk Tricajus ke dalam 200-300ml air suhu bilik. Kacau sehingga sebati dan minum secepat mungkin. 

Jangan minum bersama air panas! Ini akan menghilangkan semua fungsinya!!

Pengambilan maksimum ialah 2 kali sehari sahaja. Namun sekiranya anda merasakan kesannya terlalu kuat, anda mempunyai pilihan samada mengambil sekali sahaja sehari (pagi atau malam) atau jarakkan pengambilan seperti selang sehari dan sebagainya. 

Gantikan air biasa dengan air 100Plus.  
Ia bertindak sebagai BOOSTER dan memberi kesan yang lebih cepat.

Fungsi Utama Tricajus

  1. Mengimbangi hormon
  2. Meningkatkan stamina dan tenaga
  3. Meningkatkan peratusan kesuburan
  4. Mengurangkan paras asid dalam tubuh
  5. Mengimbangi tahap gula dalam darah
  6. Meningkatkan kualiti tidur
  7. Menguatkan tulang dan mencegah Osteoporosis
  8. Mengelakkan buasir dan sembelit
  9. Meningkatkan fungsi otak
  10. Melancarkan peredaran darah
  11. Mengelakkan masalah pada prostat dan kencing tidak lawas

Kebaikan Tricajus Kepada LELAKI

  1. Meningkatkan nafsu syahwat (libido)
  2. Meningkatkan tenaga dan stamina
  3. Peningkatan potensi lelaki
  4. Membantu melawan simptom Andropans
  5. Mengatasi kemurungan
  6. Terapi "Penggantian Hormon" (HTP)
  7. Paras Dhea meningkat dengan nyata sekali pada kaum lelaki secara keseluruhannya untuk membantu dalam merawat tekanan
  8. Menyeimbangkan Hormon
  9. Melancarkan peredaran darah
  10. Meningkatkan bilangan sperma (Oligospermia), bilangan spermatozoids dan pergerakannya untuk menggalak dan meningkatkan tahap aktiviti pembentukan protein spermatozoids (Spermatogenesis)
  11. Meningkatkan paras Testosteron
  12. Meningkatkan kesuburan
  13. Mengawal berat badan, merendahkan kolesterol, lemak dan mengelakkan masalah jantung
  14. Memperbaiki kualiti tidur
  15. Meningkatkan kepekaan @ fokus
  16. Anti penuaan

Kebaikan Tricajus Kepada WANITA

  1. Meningkatkan tenaga dan stamina
  2. Meningkatkan nafsu syahwat (libido)
  3. Melancarkan peredaran darah
  4. Mengatasi komplikasi rahim serta meningkatkan kesuburan
  5. Mengatasi kemurungan dan membantu merawat tekanan
  6. Terapi Penggantian Hormon (HRT)
  7. PMS dan masalah berkaitan
  8. Kawalan berat badan dan menyeimbangkan hormon
  9. Masalah jantung - merendahkan kolesterol dan lemak
  10. Membaiki kualiti tidur 
  11. Meningkatkan kepekaan @ fokus
  12. Anti penuaan




Made as USA Standard Of New York
Penyelesaian Kepada Lelaki Masakini
Pancutan Pramatang Boleh Diatasi )

  • Dapat menghindar PANCUTAN PRAMATANG.
  • Boleh bertahan 30 minit sehingga 1 jam.
  • Hanya mengandungi bahan ANTISEPTIC, DIJAMIN tiada kesan sampingan dan amat berkesan.
  • Hanya dengan menyapu tisu ini kepada zakar anda dan biarkan selama 10-15 minit sebelum anda memulakan `pelayaran'.
  • 6 keping Magic Power Tissue yang boleh digunakan sebanyak 15-30 kali

Apa Itu Pancutan Pramatang
"Kegagalan untuk memberikan kepuasan seksual kepada isteri adalah situasi paling memalukan bagi kita sebagai seorang suami yang dianggap gagah oleh isteri tersayang. Itulah hakikat yang tidak boleh disangkal sama sekali. Sekaligus menyebabkan berbagai cara dilakukan oleh si suami agar perkara berkenaan tidak dialaminya," kata David Strovny, seorang pakar terapi seksual terkenal dari USA.

Masalah pancutan pramatang selain masalah impotensi (mati pucuk) atau terlalu cepat mencapai klimaks, sesungguhnya merupakan perkara paling ditakuti oleh setiap kaum lelaki, terutama mereka yang telah pun beristeri. Isteri tidak merasa puas kerana mungkin sebelum si isteri mencapai klimaks, suami terlebih dahulu mencapainya dan membiarkan isteri di dalam keadaan kecewa kerana ketidakpuasan. Namun jika anda mengalami masalah seumpama ini, kami sedia membantu, kerana kami ada caranya.
Cara yang amat mudah, murah, berkesan dan selamat. Gunakan Magic Power Tissue !
1.     Hanya koyakkan pek (lebih besar sedikit daripada pek kondom).
2.     Keluarkan tissue dan sapukan kepada zakar.
3.     Simpan semula tissue ke dalam pek untuk digunakan semula di lain kali.
4.     Biarkan lebih kurang 15 hingga 30 minit .
5.     Mulakan pelayaran...
6.     Isteri tersenyum puas !!    
Kekadang kita mempunyai masalah seperti ini tetapi kita malu untuk mendapatkan jalan penyelesaiannya atau malu untuk pergi mencari produk-produk yang dapat membantu kita mengatasinya ataupun mungkin produk-produk tersebut terlalu mahal. Kami faham dengan permasalahan ini dan dengan sebab itu kami menyediakan perkhidmatan yang amat efisien lagi rahsia.


Khasiat Minyak Belacak kami: 

  • Kuat - Zakar kita menjadi kuat seakan kayu, keras seakan besi, tahan seakan tembaga.
  • Garang - Seperti seekor harimau jantan yang menunggu didepan pintu gua. Bagi setiap lelaki (teruna) yang diidam-idamkan pada malam pertama adalah untuk mengakhiri zaman bujang agar pasangannya dapat merasai kehangatan Zakar daripada seorang yang bergelar lelaki perkasa.
  • Perangsang Pulang Pulih seperti Sedia kala - Perangsang ini adalah satu tindak balas (keras dari biasa) zakar kita dimana “lihat ia hidup, pegang ia berani, sentuh ia bernyawa”.
  • Besar Panjang - Besar dan panjang dimana ia dapat memberi kenikmatan kepada orang yang tersayang (pasangan kita & isteri). Dimana ia dapat menyentuh 5 Makam bagi mencapai klimak seorang wanita. Rumahku, syurgaku, semakin hari, semakin sayang.
  • Tahan Lama - Bagi setiap lelaki harus dapat mengawal kekuatan dan jangka masa yang lama ketika kita melayari bahtera rumah tangga (bersetubuh) agar orang tersayang mendapat kepuasan dari seorang lelaki yang bergelar suami. Dimana harus perkasa daripada biasa untuk mecapai 5 makam.
  • 100% Ramuan semulajadi - Halal - Tiada Kesan Sampingan.


Rangsang Isteri atau pasangan anda dalam 5 minit dengan GERMANY SEX DROP!!
Seorang wanita kadang-kala memiliki waktu yang buruk emosional, dia mungkin kehilangan minat pada seks disebabkan oleh :-
  • Depresi
  • Stress dan terlalu banyak pekerjaan
  • Kegelisahan
  • Hang-up dari masa kanak-kanak
  • Laten Lesbianisme
  • Hubungan serius masalah dengan pasangan anda
  • Menopause - negatif sikap dan keyakinan yang ada tentang menopause
Ini adalah hasil yang boleh anda harapkan dengan mengambil Germany Sex Drops bagi peningkatan libido:-

* Meningkatkan libido atau membangkitkan ghairah seks
* Lebih sering minat pada seks
* Waktu respon seksual, ghairah lebih cepat dan lebih sedikit masa untuk klimaks
* Sensasi seksual dan orgasme
* Stimulasi klitoris
* Peningkatan kemungkinan orgasme multiple
*Meningkatkan aliran darah ke daerah genital perempuan dan memaksimumkan kendurnya klitoris
Menjadikan ianya LEBIH SCREAM !



Baca Testimoni dari pelanggan kami (2 Mac 2009)
mula2 sy pakai saya tak bersama suami lepas tuh...kira saya cuba dulu kali pertama...

saya insert pada faraj yg dah dibersihkan...dan biar selama 2 minit (ada web blogspot yg saya tgk dia suh 10 minit at bila saya refer indon nyer web dia kata jgn lebih 2 sy folo yg indon tu punya), dari situ saya dah rasa ketat dan kayu tuh macam serap dan sempitkan liang faraj...lepas 2 minit saya cabut perlahan2 dan kat sini saya dah mula rasa perit sbb liang dah sempit...bila keluarkan sy nampak ujung tuh ada sedikit keputihan...rasa perit dan ketat sungguh ketara...

dan mlm tuh saya repeat lagi utk tujuan bersama suami  about 2 hours before the intercourse...
perit dan ketat sgt2 macam malam pertama...suami sy pon pelik...maaf sensor sikit...masa enjut best sbb grip dia kuat dan ketat dan rasa clitoris saya berdenyut dan senang klimaks...dan yg paling best lepas terpancut dalam rasa berdenyut2 dan kemut dgn sendirinya...

seroiusly saya tak pernah rasa camni punya best plus perit...kesat ...melainkan masa mlm pertama dan awal2 kawin dulu jer..sbb masa tuh saya masih dara dan takde lahirkan anak lagi...saya sekarang adalah ibu kpd 2 org anak...  selalunya kalau sex intercourse rasa hambar dan takde apa2...

thanks TAM...saya akan rekemen pada kawan2...kalau abg cik nak buat testimoni ker pd komen saya nih please hide my identity yer..kalau nak buat testimoni la...tgh bulan ni saya balik dan saya akan contact abang cik ...

sekian komen ikhlas dari saya 

e-Mail yang kami terima tanpa sebarang editing.!
Jamu Madura Asli Khas Untuk Wanita

Jamu ''TONGKAT AJIMAT MADURA'' (Indonesia) ini dibuat dari bahan-bahan kayu dan tumbuh-tumbuhan yang terpilih dan ia hanya didapati dalam hutan belukar di Kepulauan Madura, Indonesia.

Jamu ini dibuat berdasarkan ramuan rahsia yang telah diwariskan dari zaman purbakala dan ia hanya diketahui oleh wanita Madura yang terkenal dalam memelihara keindahan tubuhnya serta memikat kasih sayang suaminya.

Jamu ini dikhaskan bagi wanita(shj) untuk dipakai BUKAN untuk dimakan..

Khasiat utama jamu ini untuk mendatangkan manfaat berikut: 1. Memberi kemesraan yang luar biasa dalam perhubungan suami isteri.
2. Menyembuhkan penyakit darah putih (Piktay) serta menghilangkan bau busuk dalam rahim yang sangat menjijikkan bagi sang suami.
3. Melenyapkan rasa gatal-gatal dalam rahim sehingga menyebabkan wanita merasa tidak selesa dan tenteram.
4. Mengeringkan rahim dari air lendir yang berlebihan supaya menjadi kering dan ketat sehingga menimbulkan kenikmatan yang tidak terhingga dalam perhubungan di antara sepasang kelamin.

Cara memakainya: 
Ambil jamu ini seluruhnya, masukkan dengan perlahan-lahan ke dalam kemaluan (rahim), tinggalkan selama 1 atau 2 minit. Kemudian cabut dan cuci dengan bersih jamu ini dan disimpan untuk digunakan di lain masa. Untuk menggunakan bagi manfaat no. 4, Pakai jamu ini kira-kira 30minit atau 1 jam sebelum bersetubuh...

dan lihatlahh...hasilnyaa...Amat Menakjubkan!!!!
Sekali beli.....lama boleh digunakan!!!!!!
Cubalah...dan percayalahhh!!!!! 

Jamu Madura or Pasak Bumi has been specially formulated for women who wants to develop their full potential.This secret formula of Herbal Nature mixture is based on traditional herbs well-known to Madurese women over, hundreds of years.
Jamu Madura or "Pasak Bumi ": Indonesian Traditional and Herbal MedicinesTongkat Ali Madura, ( Jamu Maduro ) or also called " Pasak Bumi "is a herb which is particularly reknowned in Asia for its ability to increase testosterone levels up to 440%. It is a proven natural testosterone booster of the very highest efficacy. It achieves this by positively affecting hormone balance to naturally stimulate the body to produce more free testosterone. Tongkat Ali has been shown to increase sexual libido and performance and improve fertilty rates according to animal studies. Tongkat Ali is a Southeast Asian botantical used traditionally to enhance energy levels, endurance and stamina, and to reduce occasional mental fatigue. Researchers have reported that Tongkat Ali has the effect of inhibiting the growth of cancer cells in animals, has anti-fever effect 2 times more effective than aspirin, kills malarial parasites, and contains an anti-oxidant enzyme that inhibits the chain reaction of of radicals that can be harmful to the body.

If you ask most elderly people about their endurance and sexual desire - the answer is usually a non-affirmative one. What is the cause? Aging? The answer is definitely "Yes"! But how is aging responsible for this syndrome? The answer lies in the testosterone level, which declines with age. Research shows that during puberty, testosterone's level is peaking. Testosterone's level is at it's lifetime peak at the age of 25, and steadily decreases with age. Some clinical studies indicate that generally on average, testosterone levels drop as much as 2% on a yearly basis after the age of thirty. This rate of decline is very much a factor of lifestyle. Individuals who exercise regularly have a much slower rate of decline. This is due to the fact that exercise to a certain extent stimulates the hormone secretion. A more predominant decline was noticed in individuals who are heavy smokers and drinkers.Many Women Suffer from White discharge, Vagina Odor due to age or regular sex. Here we have the most rapid-acting medicinal herbs from the Island of Madura. It is specially formulated for women who wants to develop their full potential. The composition of this wonderful medicinal herbs are made from traditional purest pharmaceutical quality herbs found only in the Madura Island. This secret formula of Herbal Nature mixture is based on traditional herbs well-known to Madurese women over hundreds of years. This well-kept secret formula was perfected and carefully blended with newly discovered ingredients into high-potency formula to give the following positive effects to any women:

The Madura Stick has been used hundreds of years by the women of Madura Islands. It is safe and very effective.
"Housewives lather up to erotic herbal soap;. (Article from the Skukan Post Japan);
Thousands of Japanese woman and housewives are stampeding to buy a suggestively shaped bar of soap said to improve their sex lives, according to Shukan Post (2/11).

Jamu Herbal Stick, the herbal soap originating from Indonesia Madura Island, is selling like wildfire despite its comparatively hefty price of 5,800 yen (US$63.00) a bar, apparently because its effects on women's lustier liaisons are legendary.

We've been importing Jamu Herbal Sticks and selling them over the Internet since 2003. Sales have been particularly good recently, shifting over 1,500 cakes a month, a spokesman for Tokyo-based Natural Plants, one of many Jamu Herbal Stick importers, tells Shukan Post. This soap was created from Jamu, a traditional Indonesian folk remedy that uses herbs. In Indonesia, they've passed on for generations the belief that Jamu eliminates the odor from female genitals, as well as makes the vaginal muscles tighter. It's said that Indonesian princesses of olden times used to use it when they wanted to get royalty to fall in love with them. Jamu Herbal Sticks are, considering their intended use, conveniently shaped like a 12-centimeter long cigar, though Japan's top-selling weekly magazine says the resemblance is to a vibrator.

The stick is supposed to be held firmly against the woman's nether regions for at
least 15 seconds, which reportedly gives the herbs enough time to blend into the body and tone up the muscles.Incidentally, Jamu Herbal Sticks are also reportedly effective against irritable bowels, as well as improve circulation. Japanese women who've used the saucy soap are more than happy with its effects.
I used some without telling my hubby and even I was shocked by the wonderful change it brought about in me," a 34-year-old housewife tells Shukan Post. Thanks to the soap, just recently it's been like we've become honeymooners all over again.Even younger women are happier, as a 21-year-old  attests.

Frankly speaking, sex with my boyfriend had been a little unsatisfying. But, after I started using this soap, the pleasure I got was raised to a new level, she says. I feel closer to my boyfriend than ever before now and that's really satisfying.
In Indonesia, jamu is used in conjunction with a variety of other herbs to concoct all manner of potions and balms. It has been created through knowledge built up over the long history of the Javanese people. It's still common to see jamu stores all over the place in Indonesian towns, Prof. Takahiro Shibuya of Fukuyama University tells Shukan Post.

Common concerns:

[ Leucorrhoea ]

This condition is characterized by a whitish, mucousy vaginal discharge, common during pregnancy. It can be accompanied by a strong and offensive odour, and/ or vaginal itching and scratching. The odour can be quite strong, especially during hot seasons where bacterial activity is significantly increased. Regular use of the Jamu Herbal Stick will remove the odour, preventing any embarrassing situations. It effectively resolve the problem of vagina discharge, keeping the underwear clean without staining.

Wash the hands and the genital organ.
Relax the body and insert about three-quarter of the Jamu Herbal Stick into the vagina for 1-2 minutes 5 minutes before sexual intercourse.
It is recommended that the Jamu Herbal Stick is used daily for 15-30 seconds to resolve the female odour.
The stick contains fresh herb element. Please use up within 6 months of the first application.
How To Keep :
[ Note ]
How To Keep: Rinse under running water, and dry with clean towel. Protect from sunlight, and store at well ventilated and dry places. Because of the characteristic of this product, exceedingly dry room temperature.After regular usage, some white discharge may occur. This is Jamu effect . Jamu elements cleanse the vagina. This symptom will disappear meanwhile after several usage.
The Jamu Herbal Stick is made individually and hygienically. As it is not mass produced, the shape varies slightly.The stick contains fresh herb element. Please use up within 6 months.
The Jamu Herbal Stick is breakable and should not be dropped.
Original Jamu herbal sticks are packed in bright red boxes with embossed gold letterings. The stick should be white, odorless and smooth.

The Jamu herbal stick has been widely used in Indonesian traditional medicine for more than three centuries.  It is prescribed for the noble woman who faces intense competitive pressure among the courtesans to retain the favor of the head of the household. The formula is closely guarded and handed down from the family line. Today, it is an effective natural remedy for the many discomforts of the modern woman.
Tongkat Ali Madura, or also called " Pasak Bumi "is a herb which is particularly reknowned in Asia for its ability to increase testosterone levels up to 440%. It is a proven natural testosterone booster of the very highest efficacy. It achieves this by positively affecting hormone balance to naturally stimulate the body to produce more free testosterone. Tongkat Ali has been shown to increase sexual libido and performance and improve fertilty rates according to animal studies. Tongkat Ali is a Southeast Asian botantical used traditionally to enhance energy levels, endurance and stamina, and to reduce occasional mental fatigue. Researchers have reported that Tongkat Ali has the effect of inhibiting the growth of cancer cells in animals, has anti-fever effect 2 times more effective than aspirin, kills malarial parasites, and contains an anti-oxidant enzyme that inhibits the chain reaction of of radicals that can be harmful to the body. If you ask most elderly people about their endurance and sexual desire - the answer is usually a non-affirmative one. What is the cause? Aging? The answer is definitely "Yes"! But how is aging responsible for this syndrome? The answer lies in the testosterone level, which declines with age. Research shows that during puberty, testosterone's level is peaking. Testosterone's level is at it's lifetime peak at the age of 25, and steadily decreases with age. Some clinical studies indicate that generally on average, testosterone levels drop as much as 2% on a yearly basis after the age of thirty. This rate of decline is very much a factor of lifestyle. Individuals who exercise regularly have a much slower rate of decline. This is due to the fact that exercise to a certain extent stimulates the hormone secretion. A more predominant decline was noticed in individuals who are heavy smokers and drinkers. 
Many Women Suffer from White discharge, Vagina Odor "loose" Vagina due to age or regular sex.
Here we have the most rapid-acting medicinal herbs from the Island of Madura. It is specially formulated for women who wants to develop their full potential. The composition of this wonderful medicinal herbs are made from traditional purest pharmaceutical quality herbs found only in the Madura Island.
This secret formula of Herbal Nature mixture is based on traditional herbs well-known to Madurese women over hundreds of years. This well-kept secret formula was perfected and carefully blended with newly discovered ingredients into high-potency formula to give the following positive effects to any women:
1. The Jamu Herbal Stick will Stimulate and intensity mutual excitement during intercourse. 
2. Eliminate vaginal "white discharges" (leucorrhoea) and banishes vaginal odor.
3. Provide relief from internal irritation in the vagina that causes discomfort. 
4. Develops a woman's full sexual potential, because the medicinal herbs will reduce excessive vaginal discharge, providing maximum sexual pleasure for both participants
The Madura Stick has been used hundreds of years by the women of Madura Islands. It is safe and very effective.
"Housewives lather up to erotic herbal soap". (Article from the Skukan Post Jap;an)
"Thousands of Japanese OLs and housewives are stampeding to buy a suggestively shaped bar of soap said to improve their sex lives, according to Shukan Post (2/11).
Jamu Herbal Stick, the herbal soap originating from Indonesia Madura Island, is selling like wildfire despite its comparatively hefty price of 5,800 yen (US$63.00) a bar, apparently because its effects on women's lustier liaisons are legendary."
"We've been importing Jamu Herbal Sticks and selling them over the Internet since 2003. Sales have been particularly good recently, shifting over 1,500 cakes a month," a spokesman for Tokyo-based Natural Plants, one of many Jamu Herbal Stick importers, tells Shukan Post. "This soap was created from Jamu, a traditional Indonesian folk remedy that uses herbs. In Indonesia, they've passed on for generations the belief that Jamu eliminates the odor from female genitals, as well as makes the vaginal muscles tighter. It's said that Indonesian princesses of olden times used to use it when they wanted to get royalty to fall in love with them."
Jamu Herbal Sticks are, considering their intended use, conveniently shaped like a 12-centimeter long cigar, though Japan's top-selling weekly magazine says the resemblance is to a vibrator. The stick is supposed to be held firmly against the woman's nether regions for at least 15 seconds, which reportedly gives the herbs enough time to blend into the body and tone up the muscles.
Incidentally, Jamu Herbal Sticks are also reportedly effective against irritable bowels, as well as improve circulation.
Japanese women who've used the saucy soap are more than happy with its effects.
"I used some without telling my hubby and even I was shocked by the wonderful change it brought about in me," a 34-year-old housewife tells Shukan Post. "Thanks to the soap, just recently it's been like we've become honeymooners all over again."
Even younger women are happier, as a 21-year-old OL attests.
"Frankly speaking, sex with my boyfriend had been a little unsatisfying. But, after I started using this soap, the pleasure I got was raised to a new level," she says. "I feel closer to my boyfriend than ever before now and that's really satisfying."
"In Indonesia, jamu is used in conjunction with a variety of other herbs to concoct all manner of potions and balms. It has been created through knowledge built up over the long history of the Javanese people. It's still common to see jamu stores all over the place in Indonesian towns," Prof. Takahiro Shibuya of Fukuyama University tells Shukan Post.

Common concerns:

[ Leucorrhoea ]

This condition is characterized by a whitish, mucousy vaginal discharge, common during pregnancy. It can be accompanied by a strong and offensive odour, and/ or vaginal itching and scratching. The odour can be quite strong, especially during hot seasons where bacterial activity is significantly increased. Regular use of the Jamu Herbal Stick will remove the odour, preventing any embarrassing situations. It effectively resolve the problem of vagina discharge, keeping the underwear clean without staining.
The Jamu Herbal Stick will ensure that one's feminity is not compromised after pregnancy and advancing age.
[ Loose and insensitive vaginal muscles ]The herbal essence of the Jamu Herbal Stick, when inserted into the vagina, is absorbed by the skin in the vagina, stimulating hormonal balance and strengthening the vaginal muscles. This enhances sexual sensations by the tightening of the vaginal walls. It restores the feeling of youth and vitality during intercourse as she provides her male partner with greater sensations and satisfaction. In this, confidence is restored in a woman as she demonstrates her virginal sexuality to her partner.
[ Directions ]

Wash the hands and the genital organ.
Relax the body and insert about three-quarter of the Jamu Herbal Stick into the vagina for 1-2 minutes 5 minutes before sexual intercourse.
It is recommended that the Jamu Herbal Stick is used daily for 15-30 seconds to resolve the female odour.
The stick contains fresh herb element. Please use up within 6 months of the first application.

How To Keep :
[ Note ]

How To Keep: Rinse under running water, and dry with clean towel. Protect from sunlight, and store at well ventilated and dry places. Because of the characteristic of this product, exceedingly dry room temperature.After regular usage, some white discharge may occur. This is Jamu effect . Jamu elements cleanse the vagina. This symptom will disappear meanwhile after several usage.
The Jamu Herbal Stick is made individually and hygienically. As it is not mass produced, the shape varies slightly.The stick contains fresh herb element. Please use up within 6 months.
The Jamu Herbal Stick is breakable and should not be dropped.
Original Jamu herbal sticks are packed in bright red boxes with embossed gold letterings. The stick should be white, odorless and smooth.

CAUTION : This medicinal herbs is NOT to be taken 

We assure discreet shipping for all orders. Your privacy is important and this listing is "Private"
We will not ask you to leave feedback for your orders and we too will not leave any feedback to safeguard your privacy.

These statements are based on traditional use,
and have not been confirmed in clinical studies.
The FDA has not evaluated these statements.
The products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease



Breast Enlargement terbukti berkesan menegang,memejal dan membesarkan buah dada.Mengandungi 60 kapsul dan untuk pemakanan selama 2 bulan.Ia adalah persediaan semulajadi dan berkesan bagi wanita yang mempunyai buah dada kecil dan tidak tegang.Suami anda akan tersenyum puas melihat buah dada yang besar dan tegang.Hadiahkan pada isteri dan lihat hasilnya.Alami kehebatannya sekarang.

Mengapa Thanyaporn dan bukannya yang lain.
1) Pengilangnya adalah antara yang terbesar di Thailand
2) Mempunyai ladang Pueraria Mirifica
yang mengandungi Phytoestrogen bahan asas terpenting untuk pembesaran buah dada.
3) Kandungan Pueraria Mirifica yang lebih berbanding produk produk lain
4)Kualiti yang tinggi

Pokok Pokok Pueraria Mirifica hanya terdapat di Thailand & Myanmar , Pengekspotan pokok pokok ini adalah dilarang di Thailand tetapi produk -produk berasaskan Pueraria Mirifica dibenarkan .

testimonial penguna terhadap Thanyaporn Brast capsules

1) Mengalami pencerahan kulit
2) Payudara semakin kental dan pejal
3) Bentuk badan lebih mengiurkan
4) Pembesaran payudara dialami dalam tempoh 1 bulan
5) Meransang keintiman suami isteri

Pueraria Mirifica

Pueraria Mirifica is a plant that grows at high altitudes in the North of Thailand, in Thai the plant is called White Kwao Krua.

The Pueraria Mirifica plant has very powerful estrogenic effects. In Asia it is used for centuries as an anti-aging remedy.

Also Pueraria Mirifica is well known for natural breast enlargement and breast firming.

The Phytoestrogen compounds have positive effects on treating osteoporosis, prostate cancer, reduction of the menopausal syndrome and prevention of hormonally based cancers.
Phytoestrogens are not hormones, but they provide the same benefits as estrogen which is the body''s primary source for breast enlargement.

Phytoestrogens maximizes the blood flow and estrogen distribution through the breast tissue. Your breasts will get bigger and firmer.

Pueraria Mirifica increases the fatty tissue around the breast. Pueraria Mirifica supports collagen which gives your breasts a soft but firm natural shape.

After starting to use the Pueraria Mirifica capsules results will show after 2 - 4 weeks depending on the quantity of tissue in the breasts.

The maximum increasement of the breasts will be achieved after 3 months of using Pueraria Mirifica.

Increases of breast size from 1 - 3 inches are possible.

If one stops using Pueraria Mirifica completely, the breasts will return to it''s old shape again over time.

If you want to keep the increased size and firmness of your breasts you should lower the dose from 1 daily to 2 - 3 per week.

If you want faster results, you can combine taking the capsules with using Boom Breast Cream, also made from Pueraria Mirifica.

WARNING: Pueraria Mirifica should not be used by woman under 20 years of age as the body is not fully grown yet. Also pregnant woman should consult their doctor first. Please follow the dosage on the package.

Some other benefits of the Pueraria Mirifica herb:

- serves as ''fountain of youth''
- darkens grey hair and helps increasing hair growth
- increases energy levels and vigor
- better blood circulation
- diminues sleep problems
- it will help your skin to look smoother and younger

Advised dosage is 1-2 mg/kilo per day. Example, if you weight is 75 kg, you daily dosage is maximum 75 - 150 mg/day.

These capsules contain 150 mg Pueraria Mirifica per capsule.

If your weight is less than 75 kilo, you should consider to take our other Pueraria Mirifica capsules which contain 100 mg Pueraria Mirifica per capsule.